Reya's Athenaeum

My den of reads, and random ramblings over them...

A Surprising History of Pen Names

Reblogged from Bookish Quotes:

I had no idea that Mark Twain, Toni Morrison, or George Orwell are all pseudonyms! 



New book releases receive new look on your Dashboard

Reblogged from Angels With Attitude Book Reviews:


What do book lovers love the most? Books, of course. But what more? New books! There's noting more exciting than a new installment in a gripping book series, long awaited title from your favorite author (George R.R. Martin, we're still waiting!), and discovering a new writer with a brilliant debut publication. Now you'll have a better insight into new book releases which are added not only to the Book Release Calendar on BookLikes but also highlighted on your Dashboard. 


If you'd like to share the titles you're waiting for with your followers and other book lovers, add them to the Book Release Calendar on BookLikes - click the upper menu and then Events. 


Now each new book entry added to the release calendar will be highlighted on Dashboard, and therefore better discovered by readers following your blog.


The new look of Dashboard new release entries presents more book details and allows you to peep into the book release calendar on the go. The new release note includes the expected publication date, book title and author, and the description of the event.



If you'd like to receive a publication alert about a title you're impatiently waiting for, join the event. To join the book release event, click Join on the left or click the event title and join on the release page. 



Thanks to the notification that will be sent to you on the publication day you won't miss a thing in the publishing calendar. 


Plus, if you join the event, the notification about your support will be published on Dashboard of your followers. This kind of social book recommendation is an excellent way of discovering new titles and spreading the book news around. 


You can also recommend the title to your friends by inviting them to join the event -- click Invite and send them an invitation e-mail or a notification on BookLikes. 




Remember that a new release page can be customized and personalized. Go crazy and make it look special and unique -- you can also share the release pages on your social media and recommend the upcoming titles by inviting your friends to the event. It's a great way to support your favorite authors and promote the upcoming releases.


If you've missed our previous post about this topic, click here: Share Book Events on BookLikes: Book Release Calendar (Part One)

Reblogged from Angels With Attitude Book Reviews:
Reblogged from Books Over TV:

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Reblogged from Bookish Quotes:

It seems I am well-adjusted, logical and creative. How about you?



Past reads and erotic read

There are a number of past reads that I have posted as read with no date but they were read in the past 5 or so years.


The last year or so  I was so burnt on reading that I had no urge whatsoever to read even a blurb on a milk carton.  Let alone look at a book.


It had to do with the past challenges I had where I read up to 400 books one year but most of them were of adult nature (erotic genre).  Whatever you do.  Don't force yourself to read books that you can't relate or become distasteful.  


I, myself, don't think it's very healthy for a person to read a large amount of erotic books and come out healthy.  It just warps you in a way, so for my own well being I quit everything for a while and just chilled with music.


Fortunately, thanks to Divergent, I'm actually back reading again.  


Well, I did read books 1 and 3 in the Obsession saga, but I really don't count those.  


Why?  Well for a bibliophile, I missed the ENJOYMENT of the read and being in a book where you like the characters and want to join in their journey with them.  Hmm.. this gives me more to ponder on.  I never like the YA genre before but now apparently the YA dystopia has given me something to enjoy again.  


I'm wondering if any of this sounds like it makes sense.  I'm a tad sleepy.  

The Fulfillment - Liliana Lee

The Fulfillment: (Erotic Historical Romance) (Princess Shanyin Book 3) - Liliana Lee, Jeannie Lin

Liliana Lee is the pseudonym for the author Jeannie Lin in this erotic series on the Princess Shanyin.  I believe this is the name that she will be using for any and all erotic series that she writes.


The Obsession saga is my returned foray back into the erotica genre and it is a brief one.  Formerly I read a ton of adult romances in this neck of the woods and it seriously burned me for reading for a good while. However, I made an exception when it came to Ms. Lee.  

The Fulfillment surprised me because from book one in this series, Princess Shanyin got on my nerves and became one main protagonist that I thought I was going to hate.


Needless to say, despite it being an erotic series, these books are really well written. 


By the end of book one, I grew to understand the Princess a tad.  I saw how through great adversity she became a woman who learned how to deal with the complexities that were given her.  And by danged did she learn...




Here in Fulfillment, everything came to a head and Shanyin becomes a woman whose growth has impressed me to the point of actually liking her.  


This series really surprised me, and took me for a wild ride.  It was almost like watching one of the Chinese dramas that I watch except with a bunch of smut added.  =)  

Am I in an Austen state of mind?

The Girl in the Gatehouse - Julie Klassen

Where I'm at with this book:  I feel as if I'm at a meh stage.  


It could be the constant overhang of clouds and the neverending threat of thunderstorms that is making things all gloomy to read about a girl with a tarnished reputation staying in a gate house writing her life away.




Do I keep it, or put it on hold?

Wading through Booklikes

Can I like Booklikes just cuz?


Sounds funny, right?


It's always daunting for a socially awkward person such as myself to jump into areas where following and being followed is a want by others within a certain field.  And here I am in Booklikes when I went to go explore I saw many with high levels of followers and were listed in the popular category.  


What did I want to do?


Run and hide.


Maybe I shouldn't go follow other blogs here.  It can be a tad intimidating.


I just like this set up here.  Now to stockpile my new lists and reviews.  XD

Review 1: Before Amen - Max Lucado

Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer - Max Lucado

Just a simple and quick review.  


Max Lucado has always been a favorite author of mine.  I haven't read any of his books in a while but then again I haven't read much in the past year.  However, Before Amen gave me a reason to indulge and simply break into reading and trust books again.  (That in itself is a whole nuther story.)


Lucado doesn't make a huge deal out of the complexities of prayer but just breaks things down and make things simple because prayer doesn't need to be all complicated to just speak to the Jehovah.  And Lucado still has a wonderful way with words.


We access the throne room of God by virtue of the name of Jesus.  

Heaven sees his signature and throws open the door of welcome.  

Mark it down: IT won't have the last word.  Jesus will.


There are more wonderful gems within the book and it refreshes the heart and soul when read. =)


I do want to let others know before reading that the read goes to 100 pages and then 101 starts off the study guide when it ends.  Just to let you know.  

How did I get so hooked on the YA genre all of a sudden?


Some things never cease to surprise me..

Currently reading

Clockwork Samurai (Gunpowder Chronicles) by Jeannie Lin
Progress: 26%
Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi